A downloadable VR Game for Windows

 A VR Horror Game

In Purge The Fear, you explore the manor, while a monster will hunt you down. Run, Hide and find notes to survive.

Made as a Capstone Project class for Atlantic University Collage.


VR Ready PC
Oculus PC App
VR headset (Quest 2 Recommended)

Left Stick - Move
Right stick - Turn Around
Upper Trigger - Click UI Buttons
Grab Trigger - Grab Objects
Escape - Quit the game


    Art Team:

Ethan Rodríguez - Lead Art Director, Lead Environment Artist, Character Artist, 3D prop Artist, Concept Artist, Level Design

Carlos R Lugo -  3D Environment Artist, Prop Artist

Miguel Pagan - 3D environment, Prop artist, Texture artist

María Alejandro Negrón - 3D Artist and Graphic Designer

    Programming Team:

Emanuel Acosta Gonzalez (@emanvidmaker) - Lead Gameplay Programmer

Angel Diaz - AI programmer

Luis Del Valle - UI/Game Mechanics Programmer


Purge The Fear WIndows v1.2.1b Windows.zip 529 MB

Install instructions


Unzip the File,

Follow these steps (also found in README.txt):

1. Open Oculus PC App

2. Connect VR Headset (Quest 2 Recomended) and connect via cable link

3. Make sure, on the headset, you are on the rift main menu

4. Take out your headset and open the PurgeTheFear_.exe file

5. if everything works correctly you should be able to see a mirror of the game on your screen

6. You may now put on your VR headset and play

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